What’s New
Since its launch in December 2006, the major changes and new additions made to this website are, in reverse chronological order, as follows:
- 5th September 2024: A new homepage was added, and several other pages were updated. A series of links to a new article, How to know and to be what we actually are, was added to the Articles page, and a new playlist, Discussions with Chicago Ramana devotees, was added to the Videos page. Since Sri Ramana Kendra, Delhi, have decided to stop all their Zoom meetings, information about the monthly Zoom meeting they used to have with me has been removed from the Contact Michael James page, and in its place information about the new monthly Zoom meeting with a group of Bhagavan’s devotees in Chicago has been added. And on most of the principal pages, all the links pointing to happinessofbeing.blogspot.com were updated to point to the new URL for my blog: blog.sriramanateachings.org.
- 16th June 2024: The name of this website was changed from ‘Happiness of Being’ to ‘Sri Ramana Teachings’, and the URL was changed accordingly from happinessofbeing.com to sriramanateachings.org. A PDF of the new Finnish translation of Nāṉ Ār?, Nāṉ Yār? (Kuka minä olen?), was also added, and the pages Nāṉ Ār? and Site Map were updated accordingly.
- 13th June 2024: A new page about a recently published book, Āṉma-Viddai: The Science of Knowing Oneself, was added, a revised version of the Swedish translation of Happiness and the Art of Being, Lyckan och Varandets Konst, was uploaded, and several pages were updated, including The Path of Sri Ramana, Nāṉ Ār?, Books, Translations and Site Map.
- 28th May 2024: A series of links to a new article, Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham: Tamil text, transliteration and translation, was added to the Articles page, and the Videos page and Site Map were also updated.
- 17th April 2024: ஸ்ரீ ரமண வழி (Śrī Ramaṇa Vaṙi), the Tamil original of The Path of Sri Ramana, was uploaded as a series of HTML pages, together with an HTML copy and a PDF copy of the entire 2012 printed edition, and the Books page was updated accordingly.
- 18th March 2024: The Contact Michael James page was updated to explain that I do not have sufficient time to answer any questions about Bhagavan’s teachings by email, WhatsApp or Signal, but that if anyone wants to ask me any such questions, they may do so during any of the public Zoom meetings that I participate in every month.
- 11th February 2024: The newly completed Swedish translation of Happiness and the Art of Being, Lyckan och Varandets Konst, was uploaded, and the Swedish Translation section of the Happiness and the Art of Being page was updated accordingly.
- 7th December 2023: A series of links to a new article, Āṉma-Viddai verse 5: in the heart that looks within without thinking of anything else, oneself will be seen, was added to the Articles page, and several small changes (refinements and clarifications) were made to the translation of to the translation of Nāṉ Ār?.
- 8th November 2023: A series of links to a new article, Āṉma-Viddai verse 4: self-investigation is the easiest of all paths, because it is not doing but just being, was added to the Articles page, and several small changes (refinements and clarifications) were made to the translation of to the translation of Nāṉ Ār?.
- 27th July 2023: A series of links to a new article, Āṉma-Viddai verse 3: knowledge of all other things is caused by ignorance of ourself, was added to the Articles page.
- 16th May 2023: A series of links to a new article, Āṉma-Viddai verse 2: the thought ‘I am this body’ is what supports all other thoughts, was added to the Articles page, and in the Swedish Translation section of the Happiness and the Art of Being page the link to the Swedish translation of the introduction to Happiness and the Art of Being, Lyckan och Varandets Konst – Inledning, was replaced by a link to the newly uploaded Swedish translation of the introduction and the first six chapters: Lyckan och Varandets Konst.
- 13th May 2023: Links to thirteen Vimeo showcases were added to the Videos page.
- 11th February 2023: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 21, was added to the Articles page.
- 27th January 2023: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 20, was added to the Articles page.
- 24th December 2022: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 19, was added to the Articles page.
- 7th December 2022: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 18, was added to the Articles page.
A PDF of a new Swedish translation of the Introduction to Happiness and the Art of Being, Lyckan och Varandets Konst – Inledning, was uploaded, and links to it were added to the Happiness and the Art of Being page and the Site Map. - 25th November 2022: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 17, was added to the Articles page.
- 9th November 2022: A link to a new article, Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 16, was added to the Articles page.
- 31st October 2022: After the entire site was migrated earlier this month from WordPress to a more manageable and less cumbersome custom-built site, the Articles page has been updated with links to all articles from October 2015 to October 2022, and the list of Italian translations of many of the articles has been moved to a new Italian Articles page.
- 18th October 2020: After the entire site was migrated to WordPress to make it more user-friendly on different media, the Videos page has been updated with links to all the currently available playlists.
- 30th December 2019: The Indian Publication section of the Happiness and the Art of Being page has been updated with information about the availability of the Indian publication of the second edition of this book.
- 24th November 2019: A thoroughly revised introduction to Nāṉ Ār? and a PDF copy of a series of five articles, The Various Texts of ‘Who am I?’, were uploaded.
- 5th June 2019: A thoroughly revised translation of Nāṉ Ār? along with a complete transliteration of the Tamil text was uploaded.
Minor changes were also made to several other pages, namely: Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai, Guru Vācaka Kōvai, Sādhanai Sāram, Transliteration, Transcription and Pronunciation of Tamil and Sanskrit and Happiness and the Art of Being: Glossary.
Since this is the first time that I have updated this site since 2nd November 2015, some other pages need to be updated, particularly the Articles page and the Videos page, but since there more than a hundred recent articles and a similar number of recent videos that I need to add to these pages, it will be a time-consuming work and hence I will do it whenever I can set aside sufficient time. - 2nd November 2015: A new video made on 12th September 2015 was added to the Videos page, alone with a link to an audio copy of it, and a revised copy of the Nāṉ Yār? page was uploaded with some minor improvements to the translation.
Links to the following nine new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the list of articles on the Articles page, along with links to each of the sections in them:- What is cidābhāsa, the reflection of self-awareness? (11th August 2015)
- Trying to distinguish ourself from our ego is what is called self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) (15th August 2015)
- ‘That alone is tapas’: the first teachings that Sri Ramana gave to Kavyakantha Ganapati Sastri (22nd August 2015)
- What is meditation on the heart? (29th August 2015)
- Self-knowledge is not a void (śūnya) (22nd September 2015)
- We ourself are what we are looking for (23rd September 2015)
- Why is it necessary to be attentively self-aware, rather than just not aware of anything else? (12th October 2015)
- Self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) is just the simple practice of trying to be attentively self-aware (19th October 2015)
- The logic underlying the practice of self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) (31st October 2015)
- Dando attenzione al nostro ego stiamo dando attenzione a noi stessi (31 Luglio 2015)
- Cos’è cidābhāsa, il riflesso dell’auto-consapevolezza? (11 Agosto 2015)
- Cercare di distinguere noi stessi dal nostro ego è ciò che è chiamata auto-investigazione (ātma-vicāra) (15 Agosto 2015)
- ‘Quello solo è tapas’: i primi insegnamenti che Sri Ramana diede a Kavyakantha Ganapati Sastri (22 Agosto 2015)
- Cos’è la meditazione sul cuore? (29 Agosto 2015)
- L’auto-conoscenza non è un vuoto (śūnya) (22 Settembre 2015)
- Noi stessi siamo ciò che stiamo cercando (23 Settembre 2015)
- Perché è necessario essere attentivamente auto-consapevoli, piuttosto che solo non consapevoli di qualsiasi altra cosa (12 Ottobre 2015)
- L’auto-investigazione (ātma-vicāra) è solo la semplice pratica di cercare di essere attentivamente auto-consapevoli (19 Ottobre 2015)
- 3rd August 2015: A new video made on 11th July 2015 was added to the Videos page, alone with a link to an audio copy of it.
A revised copy of the Nāṉ Yār? page was uploaded with some minor improvements to the translation, and some minor corrections were made to the Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam, Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai and Sādhanai Sāram pages.
Links to the following five new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the list of articles on the Articles page, along with links to each of the sections in them:- Attending to our ego is attending to its source, ourself (5 June 2015)
- Prāṇāyāma is just an aid to restrain the mind but will not bring about its annihilation (18 June 2015)
- The term nirviśēṣa or ‘featureless’ denotes an absolute experience but can be comprehended conceptually only in a relative sense (25 June 2015)
- Can we experience what we actually are by following the path of devotion (bhakti mārga)? (18 July 2015)
- By attending to our ego we are attending to ourself (31 July 2015)
- Dare attenzione al nostro ego è dare attenzione alla sua sorgente, noi stessi (5 Giugno 2015)
- Il prāṇāyāma è solo un aiuto per trattenere la mente ma non determinerà il suo annientamento (18 Giugno 2015)
- Il termine nirviśēṣa o ‘senza caratteristiche’ indica un’esperienza assoluta ma può essere compreso concettualmente solo in un senso relativo (25 Giugno 2015)
- Possiamo sperimentare ciò che siamo realmente seguendo il sentiero della devozione (bhakti mārga)? (18 Luglio 2015)
- 3rd June 2015: A new video made on 11th April 2015 was added to the Videos page, and on the same page a link was added to a copy with Italian subtitles of the video made on 13th September 2014, along with a link to a transcript of its Italian subtitles.
A revised copy of the Nāṉ Yār? page was uploaded with some minor improvements to the translation and a few typos corrected, and a new copy of the PDF of Sri Ramanopadesa Noonmalai was uploaded with two typos corrected.
The following four new PDFs of books translated into Italian were uploaded:- Guru Vachaka Kovai: La Ghirlanda di Detti del Guru
- Sadhanai Saram: L’Essenza della Pratica Spirituale
- Il Percorso di Sri Ramana Parte 1
- Il Percorso di Sri Ramana Parte 2
Links to the following twenty-eight new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the list of articles on the Articles page:- Our aim should be to experience ourself alone, in complete isolation from everything else (28th December 2014)
- The fundamental law of experience or consciousness discovered by Sri Ramana (4th January 2015)
- Why are compassion and ahiṁsā necessary in a dream? (11th January 2015)
- The connection between consciousness and body (18th January 2015)
- The terms ‘I’ or ‘we’ refer only to ourself, whether we experience ourself as we actually are or as the ego that we now seem to be (4th February 2015)
- Self-attentiveness is not an action, because we ourself are not two but only one (9th February 2015)
- Why is it necessary to consider the world unreal? (15th February 2015)
- Self-investigation and body-consciousness (20th February 2015)
- Just being (summā irukkai) is not an activity but a state of perfect stillness (24th February 2015)
- Investigating ourself is the only way to solve all the problems we see in this world (2nd March 2015)
- Intensity, frequency and duration of self-attentiveness (6th March 2015)
- Self-attentiveness and self-awareness (14th March 2015)
- Is there any real difference between waking and dream? (25th March 2015)
- All phenomena are just a dream, and the only way to wake up is to investigate who is dreaming (31st March 2015)
- Any experience we can describe is something other than the experience of pure self-attentiveness (3rd April 2015)
- How we can confidently dismiss the conclusions of materialist metaphysics (6th April 2015)
- What is the difference between meditation and self-investigation? (14th April 2015)
- Do we need to try to ignore all thoughts, and if so how? (18th April 2015)
- What is meant by the term sākṣi or ‘witness’? (21st April 2015)
- Witnessing or being aware of anything other than ourself nourishes our ego and thereby reinforces our attachments (28th April 2015)
- Trying to see the seer (30th April 2015)
- Being attentively self-aware does not entail any subject-object relationship (3rd May 2015)
- What is unique about the teachings of Sri Ramana? (7th May 2015)
- ‘Observation without the observer’ and ‘choiceless awareness’: Why the teachings of J. Krishnamurti are diametrically opposed to those of Sri Ramana (11th May 2015)
- Dṛg-dṛśya-vivēka: distinguishing the seer from the seen (20th May 2015)
- The ego is essentially a formless and hence featureless phantom (28th May 2015)
- In order to understand the essence of Sri Ramana’s teachings, we need to carefully study his original writings (30th May 2015)
- How is karma destroyed only by self-investigation? (31st May 2015)
- 23rd December 2014: A PDF copy of La Felicità e l’Arte di Essere, a new Italian translation of Happiness and the Art of Being, was uploaded, and links to it were added in a new section of the Happiness and the Art of Being page and in the Site Map.
Links to the following eleven new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the Articles page:- The essential teachings of Sri Ramana
- We cannot experience ourself as we actually are so long as we experience anything other than ‘I’
- There is only one ‘I’, and investigation will reveal that it is not a finite ego but the infinite self
- Our memory of ‘I’ in sleep
- Why should we believe that ‘the Self’ is as we believe it to be?
- Is there any such thing as a ‘self-realised’ person?
- Other than ourself, there are no signs or milestones on the path of self-discovery
- How to experience the clarity of self-awareness that appears between sleep and waking?
- The need for manana and vivēka: reflection, critical thinking, discrimination and judgement
- Does the world exist independent of our experience of it?
- Science and self-investigation
- 5th October 2014: A new video made on 13th September 2014 was added on the Videos page, and on the same page a link was added to a new folder on MediaFire called Discussions with Michael James, which contains audio copies of seven of the videos on Michael’s YouTube channel, Sri Ramana Teachings, which can either be listened to online or downloaded as MP3 files. A link to each audio copy was also added after its repectitive video.
A typing error in the Tamil text of Nāṉ Yār? was corrected, and some minor improvements were made to the translation of it.
Some out-of-date links to pages on Amazon.com were removed from the Printed copies of these books section of The Path of Sri Ramana page, and links to the following seven new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog (and also the date of each article) were added to the Articles page:- The crucial secret revealed by Sri Ramana: the only means to subdue our mind permanently
- The karma theory as taught by Sri Ramana
- Why did Sri Ramana teach a karma theory?
- How to avoid doing āgāmya and experiencing prārabdha?
- Metaphysical solipsism, idealism and creation theories in the teachings of Sri Ramana
- The perceiver and the perceived are both unreal
- We can believe vivarta vāda directly but not ajāta vāda
- 26th August 2014: A new section, Printing error in Part Two, was added to The Path of Sri Ramana page, and links to the following four new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were added to the Articles page:
- 29th July 2014: A PDF copy of Chi sono io?, a new Italian translation of Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?), was uploaded to this site, and links to it were added both in a new section on the Nāṉ Yār? page and in the Site Map.
A new video made on 10th May 2014 was added to the Videos page.
Links to the following fifteen new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the Articles page:- Scientific research on consciousness
- Ātma-vicāra: stress and other related issues
- There is no difference between investigating ‘who am I’ and investigating ‘whence am I’
- How to attend to ‘I’?
- The mind’s role in investigating ‘I’
- Since we always experience ‘I’, we do not need to find ‘I’, but only need to experience it as it actually is
- Self-investigation, effort and sleep
- What do we actually experience in sleep?
- Why do we not experience the existence of any body or world in sleep?
- Is consciousness a product of the mind?
- Demystifying the term ‘sphuraṇa’
- Self-awareness: ‘I’-thought, ‘I’-feeling and ahaṁ-sphuraṇa
- A paradox: sphuraṇa means ‘shining’ or ‘clarity’, yet misinterpretations of it have created so much confusion
- What is enlightenment, liberation or nirvāṇa?
- What should we believe?
- 23rd April 2014: An HTML copy of each chapter and other section of Happiness and the Art of Being was uploaded, along with an HTML copy of the entire book. Thus the following fifteen new HTML pages are now available:
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: What is Happiness?
- Chapter 2: Who am I?
- Chapter 3: The Nature of Our Mind
- Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality
- Chapter 5: What is True Knowledge?
- Chapter 6: True Knowledge and False Knowledge
- Chapter 7: The Illusion of Time and Space
- Chapter 8: The Science of Consciousness
- Chapter 9: Self-Investigation and Self-Surrender
- Chapter 10: The Practice of the Art of Being
- Bibliography
- Transliteration and Pronunciation
- Glossary
- Happiness and the Art of Being (HTML copy of entire book)
- 21st April 2014: The Guru Vācaka Kōvai page was updated with information about the second (somewhat revised) edition of the English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James, which was published in 2013, and a PDF copy of this new edition was uploaded. The file name of the former PDF copy, which was made by John Manetta in 2004, was changed so that it could be retained on this site.
A new video made on 8th February 2014 was also added to the Videos page.
Links to the following seven new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the Articles page:- Does the practice of ātma-vicāra work?
- Why is ātma-vicāra necessary?
- Self-investigation and sexual restraint (Interview on Celibacy: Part 1)
- Ātma-vicāra is the only means by which we can experience ourself as we really are (Interview on Celibacy: Part 2)
- No differences exist in the non-dual view of Sri Ramana (Interview on Celibacy: Part 3)
- Ahiṁsā and sexual morality (Interview on Celibacy: Part 4)
- Ātma-vicāra and nirvikalpa samādhi (Interview on Celibacy: Part 5)
- 28th February 2014: On the page about Happiness and the Art of Being I updated the information about its Indian publication, because I was under the wrong impression that its second edition had been published there, but it now seems that it was not, so I am now looking for a new publisher to publish it.
Links to the following nine new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the Articles page:- Spontaneously and wordlessly applying the clue: ‘to whom? to me; who am I?’
- Why do we not immediately experience ourself as we really are?
- Only ‘I am’ is certain and self-evident
- Investigating ‘I’ is the most radical scientific research
- ‘I’ is the centre and source of time and space
- By discovering what ‘I’ actually is, we will swallow time
- Can self-enquiry be practised during work?
- Self-attentiveness and citta-vṛtti nirōdha
- We should meditate only on ‘I’, not on ideas such as ‘I am brahman’
- 7th January 2014: A new page, Transliteration, transcription and pronunciation of Tamil and Sanskrit, was uploaded, and the following pages were revised accordingly: the Home page (to which two new sections, Transliteration of Tamil and Sanskrit on this website and Display of Tamil, Sanskrit and diacritic characters on this website. were added), the Books page and the Site Map.
Links to the following three new articles in the ‘Happiness of Being’ blog were also added to the Articles page: - 24th December 2013: The translation of the seventeenth paragraph of Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?) was revised.
- 23rd November 2013: A new page, Videos, which contains copies of all the currently available videos of Michael James discussing the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, was added, and links to it were provided in the top and left navigation bars, and also in several pages such as Home and Site Map. Minor changes were also made to several other pages, such as the Happiness and the Art of Being page, in which a link was added to a new page on the Australian Amazon site from which the Kindle edition of Happiness and the Art of Being is now available.
- 14th November 2013: The site was relaunched with an entirely new design, in order to make it more responsive for viewing on a variety of devices, and to make it easier to maintain and update. In addition to the new design, various updates and other changes were made to the contents of many of the pages, and the transliteration of Tamil and Sanskrit words was revised using diacritic characters in order to make it more precise. Therefore each of the following sixteen HTML pages was modified to a greater or lesser extent:
- Home: The Teachings of Sri Ramana
- Translations: Translations by Michael James of the original Tamil writings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana
- Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?): The Tamil text of நானார்? (Nāṉ-ār), the only original prose work written by Bhagavan Sri Ramana, with an English translation by Michael James
- Bibliography: A bibliography of all the works of Bhagavan Sri Ramana that are cited and explained in Happiness and the Art of Being
- Books: Books by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James
- Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam: An English word-for-word meaning and translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James of the ‘Five Hymns to Sri Arunachala’, which is a collection of the devotional songs composed by Sri Ramana
- Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai: An English word-for-word meaning and translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James of the ‘Garland of Sri Ramana’s Texts of Spiritual Teachings (upadēśa)’, which is a collection of the principal philosophical poems composed by Sri Ramana
- Guru Vācaka Kōvai: An English translation of the most profound, comprehensive and reliable collection of the sayings of Sri Ramana, recorded by Sri Muruganar and translated by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James
- Sādhanai Sāram: An English translation of Sādhanai Sāram, the ‘Essence of Spiritual Practice’, which is a collection of several hundred Tamil verses composed by Sri Sadhu Om on the practice of ātma-vicāra (self-investigation) and ātma-samarpaṇa (self-surrender)
- The Path of Sri Ramana: An English translation of Śrī Ramaṇa Vaṙi, a Tamil book written by Sri Sadhu Om, in which he explains in great depth and detail the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramana
- Happiness and the Art of Being: An in-depth introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramana, written by Michael James
- Articles: Articles by Michael James
- Site Map: Detailed list of all the contents of this website
- What's New: This page
- About Michael James: Some information about Michael James
- Contact Michael James: Information about contacting Michael James
In addition to the changes made to all the HTML pages, six PDFs containing Spanish translations of various works were uploaded, and the relevant HTML pages were updated with links to them. Previously the only PDF copy of a Spanish translation available on this site was the translation of Happiness and the Art of Being, La Felicidad y el Arte de Ser: Introducción a la filosofía y la práctica de las enseñanzas espirituales de Bhagavan Sri Ramana, but now the following six Spanish PDFs are also available: - 31st March 2012: The following changes and additions were made:
- The Happiness and the Art of Being page was updated with information about the new second print editions and Kindle edition of it, and the fourth PDF edition of it was added.
- The Site Map was also updated accordingly.
- On the Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?) page the phrase ‘To the extent possible’ (which had previously been ommitted by mistake) was added to the translation of the third last sentence of the nineteenth paragraph.
- 4th January 2012: On the Books page the contact details of Sri Arunachalaramana Book Trust were added to the section How to buy books by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James, and on the Articles page a link to the recent article Manōnāśa – destruction of mind in my blog was added to the List of Articles.
- 25th January 2011: On the Articles page, links to the following four new articles in my blog were added to the List of Articles:
- 1st February 2010: The following changes and additions were made:
- On the Nāṉ Yār? page, the second sentence of the nineteenth paragraph, ‘The mind is only one’ (which was previously missing due to an oversight on my part), was incorporated, and a new section was added about the Spanish translation.
- On the Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam page, a new section was added about the Spanish translation.
- On the Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai page, a new section was added about the Spanish translation.
- On the Guru Vācaka Kōvai page, the links in the Spanish translation section were updated.
- The Happiness and the Art of Being page was extensively updated, and the updates included new information about the American and Indian publications, revised links in the Spanish translation section, the addition of the Czech translation section, and new links in the French translation section.
- Linked from these last three sections of the Happiness and the Art of Being page, the following three new and two revised PDF files were added: a bookmarked PDF copy of the Spanish translation, La Felicidad y el Arte de Ser: Introducción a la filosofía y la práctica de las enseñanzas espirituales de Bhagavan Sri Ramana; a PDF copy of the new Czech translation, Štěstí a Umění Být: Laický úvod do filozofie a praxe spirituálního učení Bhagavána Šrí Ramany; revised PDF copies of the first two instalments of the French translation, La Félicité et l’Art d’Etre – Introduction and La Félicité et l’Art d’Etre – Chapitre 1: Qu’est-ce que la Félicité?, and a new instalment of it, La Félicité et l’Art d’Etre – Chapitre 2: Qui suis-je?.
- On the Home Page, in the last section, The contents of this website, several new links were added to some PDF files and to various translations in Spanish, Czech and French.
- On the Books page, a new section was added about Transliteration, transcription and pronunciation, and it linked to a new PDF document, Transliteration, Transcription and Pronunciation, which gives a detailed explanation about the transliteration, transcription and pronunciation of Tamil and Sanskrit.
- On the Translations page, several updates were made that I forgot to make in June 2009, when I added some new PDFs and associated pages.
- A new page, Contact Michael James, was added.
- Sri Ramana’s maṅgalam verse to Vivēkacūḍāmaṇi
- Japa of ‘I am’ as an aid to self-attentiveness
- ‘Holy indifference’ and the love to be self-attentive
- Thinking, free will and self-attentiveness
- Self-attentiveness is nirvikalpa – devoid of all differences or variation
- ‘Tracing the ego back to its source’
- ‘Just sitting’ (shikantaza) and ‘choiceless awareness’
- Svarūpa-dhyāna and svarūpa-darśana
- Ātma-vicāra and metta bhāvana (‘loving-kindness’ meditation)
- Staying with ‘I am’
- 27th June 2009: The following four new PDFs and associated pages were added:
- a PDF copy of the English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James of Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam, together with a new page introducing it;
- a PDF copy of the English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James of Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai, together with a new page introducing it;
- a PDF copy of Sādhanai Sāram by Sri Sadhu Om, together with a new page introducing it;
- and a PDF copy of Part Two of The Path of Sri Ramana by Sri Sadhu Om.
- the Home Page;
- the Books page;
- the page introducing The Path of Sri Ramana;
- the Other Books page;
- the Site Map.
- Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam – an overview
- The truth of Arunachala and of ‘seeing the light’ (deepa-darśana)
- Upadēśa Undiyār – an explanatory paraphrase
- Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu – an explanatory paraphrase
- Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham – an explanatory paraphrase
- Ēkātma Pañcakam – an explanatory paraphrase
- Ēkātma Vivēkam – the kaliveṇbā version of Ēkātma Pañcakam
- Appaḷa Pāṭṭu – an explanatory paraphrase
- Āṉma-Viddai (Ātma-Vidyā) – an explanatory paraphrase
- Upadēśa Taṉippākkaḷ – an explanatory paraphrase
- Sādhanai Sāram – The Essence of Spiritual Practice (sādhana)
- What is self-attentiveness?
- Self-attentiveness, intensity and continuity
- Self-attentiveness and time
- How to start practising ātma-vicāra?
- Making effort to pay attention to our mind is being attentive only to our essential self
- Our basic thought ‘I’ is the portal through which we can know our real ‘I’
- Self-enquiry, self-attention and self-awareness
- Ātma-vicāra – the practice of ‘looking at’ or ‘seeking’ ourself
- Why to write about self?
- 1st December 2008: A revised version of La Félicité et l'Art d'Etre – Introduction, the French translation of the introduction to Happiness and the Art of Being, was added in place of the earlier version, and on the Articles page, links to the following new articles in my blog were added to the List of Articles:
- 13th November 2008: On the Happiness and the Art of Being page, the Spanish Translation section was updated with information about the printed book and a link to the webpage where it can be purchased (La Felicidad y el Arte de Ser – printed book), and a new section was added about the French Translation with a link to a PDF copy of the introduction (La Félicité et l'Art d'Etre – Introduction). The Site Map was also updated with links to the Spanish printed book and PDF and the French introduction. On the Articles page, links to the following new articles in my blog were added to the List of Articles:
- 3rd July 2008: A new section, How to buy books by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James, was added to the Books page, and the relevant sections of the following pages were updated accordingly: Guru Vācaka Kōvai, The Path of Sri Ramana and Other books by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James. Links to the following new articles in my blog were added to the List of Articles on the Articles page:
- Cultivating uninterrupted self-attentiveness
- Self-enquiry: the underlying philosophy can be clearly understood only by putting it into practice
- The true nature of consciousness can be known only by self-enquiry
- Self-enquiry, personal experiences and daily routine
- The world is a creation of our imagination
- Experiencing our natural state of true immortality
- God as both nirguṇa brahman and saguṇa brahman
- Experiencing God as he really is
- Where to find and how to reach the real presence of our guru?
- Which sat-saṅga will free us from our ego?
- Introduction to The Truth of Otherness
- 16th May 2008: The The original writings of Sri Ramana section in the List of Articles on the Articles page was updated with a link to the new article, Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai – English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James.
- 14th May 2008: On the page Happiness and the Art of Being, the section about the Spanish translation was updated with information about the newly completed translation, which at the time of this update was available as a PDF on Pedro Rodea’s now defunct AtivarnAshram website, and which since 1st February 2010 has been available as a PDF here: La Felicidad y el Arte de Ser.
- 24th December 2007: A print-friendly PDF copy of my introduction to and translation of Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?) and a similar print-friendly PDF copy of my introduction to and synopsis of The Path of Sri Ramana were both added.
- 5th December 2007: The page Happiness and the Art of Being was updated with information about the availability of this book on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de and other online book retailer sites. The page The Path of Sri Ramana was also updated with information about the availability of The Path of Sri Ramana - Part One on Amazon.com.
- 22nd November 2007: A new page introducing The Path of Sri Ramana by Sri Sadhu Om was added, together with a PDF copy of The Path of Sri Ramana – Part One, and several other pages were updated accordingly, including the Home Page, the Site Map, Books, Other Books, Nāṉ Yār? and About Michael James. In the Bibliography and on some other pages the titles of Sri Ramana's poems and other Tamil texts were added in Tamil script.
- 8th November 2007: The page Happiness and the Art of Being was updated with the addition of images of the front covers of both the Canadian publication and the Indian publication, and with information about the further progress of the Spanish translation.
- 1st November 2007: The Printed Versions section of the page Happiness and the Art of Being was updated to announce the release of the Canadian publication of this book, and to give details about the availability of both the Canadian and the Indian publications.
- 17th October 2007: The Printed Versions section of the page Happiness and the Art of Being was updated to announce the release of the Indian edition of this book and the expected release of the Canadian editon.
- 28th September 2007: A list of articles was added to the Articles page.
- 27th September 2007: The page Happiness and the Art of Being was expanded, and the announcement about the forthcoming printed edition of this book was updated to reflect its expected release in the third week of October 2007. The title of the home page was also changed from 'Happiness is Our Essential Being' to 'The Teachings of Sri Ramana'.
- 4th September 2007: A PDF copy of the English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James of Guru Vācaka Kōvai was added.
- 1st September 2007: An English translation of Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?) was added, and the entire website was restructured. The Resources page was replaced by five new pages, Translations, Books, Articles, What's New and Bibliography, and its contents were divided among these new pages.
- 24th August 2007: A note about the Spanish Translation of Happiness and the Art of Being was added.
- 23rd August 2007: The third PDF edition of Happiness and the Art of Being was added.
- 26th July 2007: An announcement about the forthcoming printed edition of Happiness and the Art of Being was added.
- 20th March 2007: The second PDF edition of Happiness and the Art of Being was added.
- 26th December 2006: As an extention to this main website, I started a blog, Happiness of Being – Teachings of Sri Ramana, which is now a growing archive of articles that I have written from time to time about the philosophy, science and art of true self-knowledge as taught by Sri Ramana.
- 15th December 2006: This website was launched, and at that time its principal content was the first PDF edition of Happiness and the Art of Being.