Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Happiness and the Art of Being - release of the Indian edition

Earlier today the first copies of the Indian edition of Happiness and the Art of Being were offered at the feet of Bhagavan Sri Ramana at his shrine in Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, and it has now been released for sale in Sri Ramanasramam Book Stall.

On Monday I also received a bound proof copy of the Trafford edition from the publishers in Canada, but unfortunately it contained a few minor errors, which they are now correcting. As soon as they have corrected these errors they will send me a revised e-proof, so I hope that they will be able to release it for sale on their website at by the end of this week or early next week. As soon as it is released, I will announce it here in this blog and on my main website,


Anonymous said...

I am glad to know about the release of the Indian edition. pls let me know the total amount for this book including postal charges.
Joson George

18 October 2007 at 03:00
Michael James said...


I believe the cost of the Indian edition is Rs300, because it is a very large book (658 pages). I am not sure what the postage charges would be, but if you send an e-mail to Sri Ramanasramam Book Stall (, they will be able to tell you.



18 October 2007 at 09:33
Anonymous said...

Congrats Michael! Will it be available in Chennai?

19 October 2007 at 05:21
Michael James said...

At present it is available only in Sri Ramanasramam Book Stall, but it will also be available soon in Bangalore at
Vedanta Book House and Sapna Book House.

Later it will probably be available also in other cities of India, including Chennai, but to some extent this may depend upon the initiative of well-wishers who live in those cities and who decide to recommend it to local bookstores of their choice.

Since it has not been published by a publisher with an established distribution network, but only through the initiative of a devotee of Sri Ramana with the help and support of other devotees, the scope of its distribution and sale will likewise depend largely upon the iniative and support of individual devotees.

Therefore if any devotee would like to help to make it more widely available throughout India and neighbouring countries, he or she may contact Vasuki Seshadri at

Outside India the Canadian publication should soon be available for sale on the publisher's website at, and within the coming weeks it will also become available through most other major online book sellers such as and

19 October 2007 at 10:17

Last updated: 7th November 2024