Monday, 10 September 2007

Printing of Happiness and the Art of Being

In his comment on the post Happiness and the Art of Being will soon be available in print, Sivan asked when printed copies of Happiness and the Art of Being would be available in Sri Ramanasramam Book Stall.

I have been informed that the printer in Bangalore expects to have the Indian edition of this book ready by the end of this month, and will immediately supply copies to Sri Ramanasramam Book Stall.

There has also been some delay in the publication of the Trafford edition of this book, but I hope that copies will be available for purchase through the Trafford website by the end of this month.


Anonymous said...

Would it be available in Chennai?

21 September 2007 at 18:19
Michael James said...

Yes, I assume it will be, but I am not sure where. I will contact the publisher and ask what plans he has in this regard.

21 September 2007 at 22:37
gokulaa said...

Do you know when the book is going to be available in America?


13 October 2007 at 01:04
Michael James said...


I am sorry that the release both of the Trafford edition (published in Canada) and of the Indian edition have been delayed, but if it is the will of Sri Bhagavan both editions should be available within the next one or two weeks.

If you wish to be informed as soon as the Trafford edition is released, you may fill in their notification form. Once they have released it, it will be available for sale on their website at

As soon as either or both editions are available, I will also announce it in this blog and on my main website.

Warm regards,


13 October 2007 at 07:55
Anonymous said...

My spiritual guide is a Tamil speaking Sri Lankan Sufi named Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. He told us that Sri Ramana was a realized human being. I don't recollect him saying this about any other contempories. I can see how they were experiencing and teaching the same path. Check out this link and you'll see what I mean.
Anbu and vanakums.
Alan Kurlansky

10 January 2008 at 18:28

Last updated: 7th November 2024