Wednesday, 7 February 2007

I apologise if I have not replied to any e-mail that you might have sent me

This is a personal message to all friends who may have sent me an e-mail or tried to contact me in any other way during the last ten days or so.

I moved from my former apartment on 28th January, and since that time I have not had regular access to the internet and my e-mail. During this time I have received many e-mails and other messages, but I have not had an opportunity to reply to them, so if you have not received an acknowledgement for any message you may have sent me, I apologise.

I will try at least to acknowledge all the e-mails that I have received as soon as I can. However, I expect my internet access to be limited for some more weeks, because I am currently looking for a job, and until I know where I am going to be working I cannot know where I should find a more permanent apartment. Since I am now living in some temporary accommodation, I have no internet connection of my own, so I have to rely upon internet cafes or hotels to access the internet and my e-mail. Therefore please bear with me if you find it difficult to contact me by e-mail.


robbie1687 said...

Welcome back! I was a litle afraid you'd lost interest in the blog. Glad to know you're still going, and good luck finding a new apartment.

8 February 2007 at 16:16
Fest said...

Good luck to your job search!

11 February 2007 at 06:58

Last updated: 7th November 2024